Austin JUG, or Java User Group, has been the primary professional group for the Austin java developer for over a decade, with over 1700 people invited to this and every talk. We'll be presenting this month, with a mix for both the DevOps oriented sysadmin, and the Java developer who wants to learn hadoop and automation at the same time.
This is Hadoop demystified, and big data in general, just in case you'd benefit from adding these to your skillset. We'll cover Hadoop 101 topic of ETL Extract Transform Load and then how to query it in Hive. You'll get a real, live demo, with code, and the basics of Hadoop that could otherwise throw off a newcomer.
Then we show how to automate that same process, so you can do days of work in 10 minutes, and with a much more maintainable result. It's a smackdown! - manual to automated, and based on the pro's and cons of each, you can decide for yourself which is best.
Finally, we'll cover how Big Data is making me change everything I ever learned about how to be a back end developer. How do I adapt most easily?
Everything covered here is documented online, and the code itself is also downloadable. The automation piece also covers the building of the server live, via Chef - Devops style!
Pete Carapetyan is a back end java developer with a lifelong obsession of systems and automation. He was an early adopter in web frameworks, Spring, Maven, drools, RCP and OSGi, and most recently big data. His most recent foray is Camel integration server and the latest new buzzword: DevOps. He writes invoices as dataFundamentals.
Time and Location:
The location is at the Pickle Research Center on Burnet. It's slightly confusing to find the auditorium if it's your first time at the site, so directions are found at the Austin JUG site at http://www.austinjug.org/
Be sure to show up at 6:30pm for pizza!